About Us

Truly passionate, truly innovative, truly Canadian.  We are True North Clothing.

About our People

In Bangladesh, a garment worker earns a minimum $66 a month.  An experienced True North garment worker can earn up to $30,000+ a month with a comprehensive benefits package.  True North products are created by passionate, innovative and fairly-paid employees who don't only have a job - but a career.  At True North, we are anti-sweatshop.

About our Products

Unlike our competitors, we make our own product.  Instead of relying on offshore or onshore contracting, we believe integrating our manufacturing, distribution and creative processes will make our company more effective and efficient.  

Our Future

Having our processes in Canada requires a lot of risk and investment.  We believe it's worth it.  With rising costs in labour and travel, exploration will not only be immoral, it will not even be fiscally viable. For us, Canadian manufacturing is not a trend, we've based our company and our brand around it and we are extremely proud of it.

Thank You

The employees of True North thank you for your support.